Gosh Darn It!

For those of you who love four (five, six, and seven) letter words as much as I do, consider yourselves victims of biology. That’s right — foul language seems to be a biological imperative. And here I was, scared shitless that I was personally to blame… After expressing some concerns in […]

You Gotta Have Faith

Faith can be a wonderful thing. Blind faith, however, is pretty scary to me. When I read that 2/3 of the people in the U.S. want creationism (now marketed as “intelligent design”) given equal time in schools, it concerned me. The Scopes Monkey Trials was decided (in favor of science) […]


The New York Post‘s Phil Mushnick has a pretty interesting job; he berates the sports media establishment for a living. Although always sanctimonious, his articles are sporadically entertaining. However, if one makes a career of ripping others in one’s profession, one must be extra careful not to invite similar scrutiny. […]

Can You See Through This?

Nike contact lenses? They’re coming to stores near you in a matter of time. And odds are that they will improve your chances of hitting a major league fastball as much as the old Nike pumps improved your ability to dunk. What’s interesting is that, according to ESPN’s Darren Rovell, […]

Great Manager???

I think Joe Torre has done a wonderful job keeping an even keel during his tenure as Yankee manager. However – and this has been pointed out before – he was not exactly on the Hall of Fame managerial track until he took over the team with the largest payroll […]

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